Thursday, January 22, 2009

My birthday!!!

well, today at edu psycho ll class, i was asked to lead a discussion after a video. it was a punishment for me as i stroll in late for class (i had class before that and had to rush to canteen to get a cup of coffee). so i took the notes from the video. i actually did.

after the video, the lecturer asked me to lead the discussion. as i was discussing the topic with my classmates, suddenly, Michael, a very good friend of mine, entered the class with a cake!! omg, only then i realised that even my lecturer was playing prank on me. :D 

my classmates sang the birthday song. both cheryl n i cut the cake since cheryl's birthday is on Monday!! (CNY kid). after the class, we enjoyed the cake and went to NYNY for lunch. then i headed to chinatown for my dinner with my ex-NUS friends. what a day......

Thank you very much people!!!

my ex-NUS friends...

my classmates....

from left (Michael n Samuel)

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