Monday, August 25, 2008

Director's Relay + Sis's Graduation + Bro's Engagement

We Won!!! there were 70 teams and we targetted 69th place. but with great determination and hard work, we came in first. that's so cool!!! Gesl Group 17 (SPARKS) rulez...

after that i rushed back to my sis's graduation and bro's engagement back home. a tiring weekend but filled with fun and laughter...


bro's engagement

the runners..... we no. 1.... we no. 1... sparks! and performance

my wonderful family...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

busy week, crazy week...

just got time to blog!! was very busy with my work for the past few days since my exams are just around the corner.

firstly, my cousin sister graduated last week. Congratulations!! u make us all proud!!! the commencement ceremony and my aunty's birthday were one day apart. so we celebrated both together!!! haha :D cake war... so much fun!! it's always good to be with family!! ALWAYS!!!


the beautiful family.... and it's not my car

fun fun and extra fun.....

USAIN BOLT a.k.a. LIGHTNING BOLT won both 100m and 200m at Olympics with world records. undoubtly he's the fastest man on earth ever, at least for now!!! Should have seen the way he ran. i dun think i can run that fast even if there were dogs chasing me. He was cooooool!! he enjoyed running and cruised with ease. no one matched him.... not even close!!! USAIN BOLT, u r the man!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

shame on Beijing Olympics opening....

the opening ceremony was one of the best. it had lots of colours, fireworks and performances. but all that was 'contaminated' by one incident. well, there was this little cute girl who sang a song on the day. very cute and claimed a lot of praises from a lot of viewers. but then, the truth is, she was not the one who actually sang the song. she was there only for the cameras.

now, how shocking is that. where is the actual real girl who sang? well, this piece of news that i read from the news is even more shocking. she was actually sidelined because she doesn't look cute enough for the cameras. how about that???

firstly, the host country spent so much money in the opening ceremony when people in other parts of the country are still suffering from the natural disaster. and now, this news. i dun understand who gave them the rights to determine who's cute or not. that lil girl who actually sang the song is cute. she has uneven teeth. so what????? that's a kind of beauty to admire. i feel that those people who actually decided to sideline the girl must come to Chong Boon to learn the PRIDE values. Respect!!!!

well, the damage is done... let's hope for a better genuine closing!!!!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Project Runway at NIE

Well, our group came up with a costume for this project. it was a combination of hardwork and dedication from almost all of us. though we did not make it to the final round, we were satisfied. at least we gave the best and we learned something from it!!!


sometimes teachers can be crazy too....

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Birdie is back...

well, one of my closest friends, Liz, is back from US today. too bad i was not there in the airport to receive her. a bit busy down here. life's gonna get more fun after this...

i'm now busy with my NIE project... fashion show kind of thingy. been on n off to NIE to help out.even today i have to go since tomoro is the big event. let's see how it goes.

WELCOME BACK BIRDIE.... miss ya very much. we'll meet up soon.

Monday, August 04, 2008

sentosa trip with 2e3...

crazy outing with some crazy students. but it was fun. real fun. haha :D. pictures to recall some of the sweet memories...

serious look ha....