Thursday, January 01, 2009


yeah... happy new year!!! life's getting better but the world's economy is getting worse. sigh.... anyway, before stating any resolution for this year, let's see what have i accomplished last year!

i have gained 3 kgs (my hope was to gain 5kgs last year). will try to gain another 2 this year!

other than that, life was simple. nothing special except for the month of december. spent the whole month at home with my parents. went to Taiping to meet Vino once in a while. well, that's y i gained 3 kgs. haha :D

i have a bad news. i might not be posted back to Chong Boon. the probability is quite high. almost 90%. too bad but what to do. anyway, once a chong boonite, always a chong boonite. Chong Boon and its staff n students will always have a special place in my heart! all the best!

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