Saturday, November 29, 2008

sentosa trip!!!

cool guys and magician!!!!

i'm telling ya!! she's a pro in volleyball!! jason n disaster!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Paintball n barbeque!!!!

coooooolll!!!! holidays mooooooood!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Planning and living....

Do you plan to live or live to plan???

a lot of us spend so much time in planning that we 'forget' to live our lives. My friend and I had a chat about it over supper last night. well, when two teachers come together late at night, this is kind of topics we discuss.....

life is short, live today as if there's no tomorrow.... no regrets!!!

earlier in the day, i met another friend. we talked about our problems and how to solve them. well, problems are there for a reason. problems make us wiser, stronger and give us the reason to appreciate life. that's good. but if we keep thinking only about problems, we are being unfair to our lives. Our lives need some happiness, satisfaction and other positive things which i can't think of now!!! so be happy and satisfied with what we have now!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Thanks to pressure,
we know what endurance means!

Thanks to frustration,
we know how satisfaction feels!

Thanks to failure,
we know what success really is!

Thanks to rocks,
we appreciate carpets!

Thanks to the nights,
we believe in lights!

Thanks to our enemies,
we appreciate our dearly friends!

people always need to 'lose' something
before they can start appreciating it!!! why???