Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blaming others..... y?

well, no one wants to be at the wrong side. no one wants to be blamed. and most of us will somehow try to take the 'short-cut' to escape from something. and for that, we'll even blame others.

if something goes wrong, the best thing to do is to identify the problems and think of the solutions and try to solve them. however, in that process, people might point others for the mistakes and problems created. it goes along with 'not in my backyard'. as long as i'm fine, thats okay. something like that. a bunch of losers.

for me, only a coward will blame others. only a coward person will take the 'chicken' way to run away from problems. be a man. do the right thing. no one is perfect. we do make mistakes. but we have to learn from the mistakes and try our very best not to repeat them but not having a good night sleep by blaming others. if u happen to make a mistake, admit it. promise urself that u will not repeat it. this is what i think is appropiate.

for some people, i hope you'll stop blaming others and take the responsibilities of ur own s**tz. try to be brave and fix the problems u create. u'll be happier than ever. stop pointing ur fingers to others!!!

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