Saturday, January 14, 2006


Well, love is a complicated thing. Can't be expressed in words or explained in phrases. But, it's a beatiful feeling. It can help someone to achieve success and at the same time destroy the person. It's up to us how we wanna take the feelings into us.

i realized that people cannot tolerate love failure. Some might be dangerous after that, some might commit suicide (the stupidest thing to do), some might be finding a new 'potential' candidate, etc. However, most of us will feel very down, sad and might be doing crazy things. Some might also force the person to love you back. well, everything is wrong, at least from my perspective.

we are supposed to be happy to fall in love. And for those who are fortunate, your love will be replied or answered. for those who are a bit less fortunate, we'll be rejected. well, its up to us how we gonna face it. I'm not telling this just to play with the words. i've experienced it before. What's wrong if we got rejected. we can never blame the person. never. if we really love the person, we should be happy for him/her. make sure that they are happy and never worry them. its not appropiate to keep nagging and threatening the person.

i loved once and was less fortunate. but i din take that as a reason to screw up my life. there are many more things in our life. Don't care what we went through for all these years but we are responsible in filling up our future with lots of joy and colours. it's true. i'm still truly, madly and deeply in love with the person and i know its impossible for me to get her. but, i did not love her just becoz of thinking or expecting her to love me back. i loved/love her coz she deserves to be loved. its not her fault if she doesnt want and i wont let it go just like that. as long as she's happy, i'm fine. maybe a lot of you will not agree but for me this is the way. When the person who you are living for is not living for you, then its time for you to live for the people who are living for you. i have frens, family, etc. to live for. they have expectation in me. i wont let it go. this is me.

failure doesnt mean the end of the world. failure just means that we have to get back stronger. none of us is alwiz at the top. but everyone will reach the top somehow. it depends on how strong your base is.........

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