Saturday, March 07, 2009

we need a break...

teachers, after spending the whole week planning and conducting lessons, need a break at the end of it. Well, we make sure that we meet every friday to have a chat and share our frustrations, jokes, anger, etc. This is just to make sure that we have each other to laugh and cry together. 

being a teacher is not easy as it looks. the level of stress we face everyday is enormous. i salute those teachers who are in the service for more than 5 years.

some pictures of us having some fun:



Anonymous said...

you guys are all teachers?? Don't look like it when you're holding the gun in the arcade.. haha.. anyway, good to see you all have fun. Imagine last time our lecturers all met up in an arcade.. Ultraman sir will be playing some ultraman fighting game while saying 'is that, is that.." so cute.

Jo said...

hahahahaha :D ya true!! apart from me, the rest are all very smart teachers. teaching IP programme kids. cool, huh!!