Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First day of class

i have been teaching moles, electron configuration, bondings, bla bla chemistry for a year. Now, i'm back to my chem class. as a student. studying everything again. though what i'm studying now is more than secondary school syllabus, but it's weird to be a chem student. haha....

life in NIE is fine. quite bored without students but i'm getting new freinds now. sharing the same passion in teaching and quite happening. with they being the future teachers, i guess the next generation of students will benefit. :D

for a year, i was in Chong Boon. Din get sick even a day. din take MC even for a day. my attendance is 100%. one week after i left Chong Boon, i was sick and still am. it's post Chong Boon syndrome. hehe... the students are missing me so much!!!

All da best!!!

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