Thursday, May 08, 2008


The worst part of teaching: invigilating!!! it's so boring and tiring. walking around without aim.haha :D i wish someone will come up with this invention; all the students will be seated in their own cubical with any electronic device sensors. if everything cleared including their identity using computers, the question paper will be out with a table from the ground. After the paper, the table and the question paper will automatically go back from where it came from and the papers are sorted accordingly and delievered to the teachers. wow, we don't have to come to school. haha. that would be great!!

talking about exams, students nowadays are so demotivated. one students in my school slept even before the question paper was distributed. thats bad. i woke him up twice, and he went to sleep again. half an hour later, more of his friends followed him. is the a competition on who sleeps the most??? how to encourage those who r discouraged?? a hill to climb....

anyway, i must start marking....

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