Monday, February 25, 2008

Do teachers need to be stressed??

A lot of people have this misconception that teachers 'must' look stressed all the time. well, it's true that teachers workload has increased dramatically over the past decade but it's crazy to conclude that teachers are stressed up or must look stressed all the time.

If i have finished all my assignments, lesson plans and worksheets for the next day today, i can take a break already. if i'm effective enough to settle all my stuffs by noon, i can take a break in the evening. there's no need for me to be stressed as i'm prepared for the next day. in fact, i might have back up plans if something goes wrong. so do i need to be stressed?? or do i need to look stressed?

People should judge one by their productivity. not by looking at the face expressions. maybe some people just like to point others' mistakes. that's bad n i'm sad for them!

i'm back to my blogging ways, u know. typing something which i'm not satisfied with. anyway, things will get better. no worries bout it. coz i have some wonderful friends and kids! Stay Positive!!!


birdie said...

lemme guess.. someone must have said u look too slack to be a teacher.. haha. tell the fella: if dinesh ever gets stressed up until you can actually tell that he's stressed up, mann the sky must be falling.

take care bro.

Jo said...

Thank you, Birdie... actually, it's not about me. haha. no one dares to say that to me. la. it's one of my colleagues. can't believe someone can say that to my colleague. quite bad, rite.thats y i blogged about it. hehe