Making fun of people, teasing and being sarcastic maybe funny for some but definitely not for all. U might think its the joke of the year, but the 'victim' might be affected psychologically. This is also called psychological bullying.
Bullying doesn't only mean hitting and punching someone. even threathening someone through sms is also considered as bullying. And the effect of bullying is bad. it can go till suicide.
Big bullies are actually cowards. they go after those who are smaller and weaker than them. they like to bully just to feel they have everything under their control. survey says that 95% of singapore primary and secondary school students have been bullied before. where do u think the other 5% go? they are the bullies!
Since this is kind of a serious matter, i discussed bout bullying with my class. at the end of my class, i asked them to write ablout any bullying experience they have encountered before. From their sharing, i came to know that there's a problem to solve in the class before it gets worse. i'm trying to solve it with the help of the students and hope everything will go smoothly.
Remember, bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm physically and/or psychologically. Do not get involve with it. If you have friends or you yourself are being bullied, please report it!! Speak up your rights!!!