it's the last month of the year!!! happy holidays!!!
did u know that the fatwa (group of religious muslim people) has banned yoga in malaysia for malays!! can u believe it?? simply coz they argue that there are chantings in yoga. hindu elements. i dunno y these people are so concern about it. they are simply saying that if there are other elements (except for muslim), malay people will convert. funny, rite. then, there's no point of globalisation. malay people must not use the roads named after non-muslim people. malaysia must not celebrate christmas, deepavali, or chinese new year. at least malay people should not be given holidays for these festivals.
the sultans have replied reasonably. for that i salute the royals. fatwa pep cannot announce anything regarding Islam wihout consulting the royals. And the sultans were shocked to know it. A lot of states are holding the ban but for Sabah. Few malays there anyway. my god!!!
hopefully there wont be any race riots in near future....
p/s the same people banned malays from dying their hair!!! (i can only laugh at it)